Our AABB-accredited Immunohematology Reference Laboratory provides transfusion services and consultation on complex antibody cases. We maintain a large volume of antigen negative red cell inventory, with additional access to extremely rare units through the American Rare Donor Program.
Reference Laboratory Services - A provision for the hospitals we serve
- MD Consultation on management of complex patient transfusion needs
- Complex Red Cell Antibody Identification
- Antigen-Negative Red Cell inventory
- Specialized Testing Methods:
- Transfusion Reaction Work-Up
- Alloantibody Titers
- Direct Antiglobulin Test
- Red Cell Phenotyping and Genotyping
- Elution
- Adsorption
- Cell Separation
- Chloroquine Treatment of Patient Cells
- Neutralization
- Sickle Cell Testing

Education and Quality Services – A provision for the Transfusion Facilities we serve
- Training for Nursing Staff – ordering blood components, pre-transfusion specimen collection, blood component administration, recognizing and reporting transfusion reactions.
- Annual Inservice
- Consultation Services
- Continuing Education Offerings
- Quality Metrics Reports
- Component Utilization Review
- Transfusion Practice Audits
- Refrigerator Audits
- Designed for facilities without an onsite blood bank
- Transfusion services (includes ABO/Rh, Antibody Screen, and Crossmatch)
- Designed for facilities/hospitals that have basic blood bank abilities, but may request our crossmatch service as needed
- Transfusion services and IRL services provided
- Designed for facilities with a full-service onsite blood bank
- Backup services for hospitals/facilities
- Cell washer equipment rental
Contact us for expert support:

Our expert team at the Immunohematology Reference Lab is ready to assist you. Fill out the new client form to connect with us.
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is FDA-regulated, holds an FDA license, and is AABB-accredited. We adhere to state and local regulations to ensure the safety and quality of our blood supply and services, backed by internal inspections and controls. While aligned with the Harris County Medical Society, our governance is independent, led by a CEO and Chief Medical Officer appointed by the Board of Trustees.
- AABB Certificate of Accreditation
- Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments Certificate (CLIA)
- FDA Blood Establishment Registration and Product Listing
- FDA Blood Establishment Registration and Listing for Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products
- FACT Certificate
- Clinical and Public Health Laboratory License
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is a proud member of: